Telematic Support

Information technology in the form of ‘telematics systems has’ introduced intelligence into the transport sector and brought invaluable benefits to road transport. Digital tachographs and telematics systems now allow driver and vehicle performance to be displayed in real time, optimise journeys and improve fleet efficiency. Gencat contracted with advanced performance monitoring systems (NIBC, TomTom Telematics, Blue Tree Systems®), provide this essential link between driver and technology.

Gencat Staff are highly trained and skilled in data analysis particularly in telematics systems. The ability to understand the role of the driver, the aims of the transport management team and the type of work being undertaken is critical to providing companies with the necessary information to make effective decisions. These decisions will in turn, reduce the risk of accident and insurance claims and reduce the risks of prosecutions and fines, missed deliveries and all that goes with poor driving behaviour.

Our success to date are many and we are continually advancing our training interventions and establishing the benchmark for professional driver performance.

These integrated solutions send comprehensive data covering every aspect of professional driving:

  • Driving time, Engine Idling Time, Standstill Time
  • Average Fuel Consumption (miles per gallon)
  • Driving Events (harsh brakes, harsh accelerations, harsh steering)
  • % Time in Optimal Gear (overreving)
  • Excessive Speed
  • Infringements (driver hours)

Detailed statistics and charts about each driver/vehicle can be instantly viewed for a specified period (day, week, month…). If you would like to find out how we can assist you with telematic support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Consulting on Compliance and Regulation